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HomeCranbrook NewsThree readings given for new outdoor water use and regulation bylaw

Three readings given for new outdoor water use and regulation bylaw

The City of Cranbrook will likely see some changes to its watering restrictions.

“Following last year’s conditions at the Phillips Reservoir and the utilization of Stage 3 Water Regulations in 2023, the City has learned a lot about where it can improve, adapt, and further protect the City’s water supply,” said Jason Perrault, deputy director of public works.

“We have heard the feedback from the community and internal stakeholders about outdoor water use and are implementing and embedding those changes in this new bylaw.”

There will be changes in all four restriction stages.

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Commercial properties will be regulated the same as residential properties in all stages and the implementation of water restrictions based on the replenishment of the Phillips Reservoir, not just the overall level.

For Stages 1 and 2, there will be a maximum of two watering hours between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. or 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. on permitted days. Previously residents could water for two hours during both time slots.

In Stage 3 it will go down to one hour between 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. or 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

“By limiting outdoor watering to only two hours per day on your property’s watering day we can significantly reduce the amount of water we use in the community and further our focus on water conservation,” says Perrault.

“If the new bylaw is adopted by council, watering days will remain the same. Even-numbered properties can water Monday, Thursday, and Saturday while odd-numbered properties can water Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. Nobody waters on Waterless Wednesdays.”

The bylaw will be up for adoption during the April 8 council meeting.



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