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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsProvince cracking down on organized crime profits

Province cracking down on organized crime profits

The B.C. government is amending the Civil Forfeiture Act to make sure crime doesn’t pay in our province.

The main amendment is the creation of unexplained wealth orders. Provincial officials said these will require people to explain how they acquired their assets if there is suspicion of unlawful activity.

“Money-laundering schemes have become increasingly sophisticated, and unexplained wealth orders will be a key tool in our toolbox to combat organized crime,” said Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Mike Farnworth in a release.

“By exposing property for forfeiture actions, we are removing this incentive and sending a clear message to anyone involved in organized crime that crime doesn’t pay.

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Several other amendments are being added as well.

They include targeting the illegal cannabis market, eliminating the limitation period on forfeiture proceedings and making it easier to target financed vehicles.

Another amendment will also make it easier to access information from public bodies and organizations such as real estate boards.

According to the province, money seized from illegal activities and collected from the sale of forfeited assets will help fund crime prevention and victim services programs.


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