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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsProvince adds e-transfer for emergency support services

Province adds e-transfer for emergency support services

During large-scale evacuations, you will now be able to access emergency funding through e-transfer.

Provincial officials hope it will help cut down on long lines and wait times at reception centres.

“With these upgrades, we’ll get money straight into evacuees’ bank accounts and give them the choice of where to spend these dollars,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General in a release.

ESS funding is available for people forced out of their homes with no alternative supports, including insurance or accommodation with friends and family.

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“Being evacuated is stressful enough, no one needs the added stress when it comes to money,” said Katrine Conroy, Minister of Forests in a release.

“It’s vital that anyone in this situation receives financial support as soon as possible.

According to government officials, approximately 30,000 people use ESS each year.

To be eligible for an e-transfer, you will have to log in to the online evacuee registration and assistance tool with your BC Services Card app and register.

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